About Us

Why We Exist
Media has a role to play in safeguarding and upholding human rights. TV is part of the broad media landscape that a democracy needs to enable public debates on relevant topics.
The TV Industry Human Rights (TVIHR) Forum was established in 2017 after members of BAFTA’s Albert Consortium recognised a need for broader industry collaboration and action to understand and address human rights issues in the TV industry. We aim to provide a focus point in relation to human rights for content creators, including TV and advertising production, and commissioners, including broadcasters and streaming services.
Our Vision
Our vision is for a TV industry which respects and protects the human rights of those who work in and with it, and remedies where issues occur.
TV plays a unique role in both shaping and reflecting society’s values, bringing information, education, inspiration and entertainment to millions of people globally. It is a fundamentally creative industry that depends on teams of people coming together and working effectively to make content.

Our Purpose
The purpose of the TVIHR Forum is to understand how the TV industry impacts on human rights and to create positive change by proactively addressing human rights issues in the operations of the member companies and wider TV industry.
The emphasis of this group is on members’ own operations and supply chains rather than on TV coverage of human rights. We seek to improve the industry’s understanding of how people might have their human rights impacted by TV production, who is most vulnerable and how to take the right actions in response.