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Standalone tools

At Forum events, we harness the collective brainpower of those attending to develop useful outputs and standalone tools for wider use. This page collates some of those developed so far.



A white paper exploring human rights risks to subjects, contributors and participants in TV productions

Supply chain map

An example of a supply chain map for a TV production

Inclusive security practices

A white paper exploring good practices to prevent, mitigate and respond to identity-related security issues in TV production

TV production and remedy

A white paper exploring broadcaster and production company responsibilities for remedying human rights harms when things go wrong

German Supply Chain Act

Examples of potential human rights and environmental risks in TV productions with reference to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Location due diligence

A white paper looking at how to factor in human rights to location briefs and risk assessments

Meaningful stakeholder engagement

A white paper exploring opportunities to take human rights into account when dealing with people around a TV production

Inclusive Personal Safety on Location

A one-page aide memoire to prompt senior members of production about individual-specific safety considerations when planning overseas deployment

Inclusive security risk management

A summary paper exploring how to incorporate attention to diversity and inclusion into security practices for a TV production

Working with 'fixers' in international productions

A white paper summarising the main themes from a discussion on this topic held in June 2023, identifying quick wins for improvement and systemic challenges

Sustainability and human rights

A white paper exploring the opportunities and overlaps between the sustainability and human rights agendas

Countries with contextual human rights issues

Access short country summaries of human rights challenges and how they could intersect with TV production





Saudi Arabia

South Africa

South Korea



Read our white paper exploring factors to consider when making TV in any country with contextual human rights issues

Risks in working through third parties

A summary of human rights risks when working with or through third parties on international productions

Engaging people with lived experience

A one-pager looking at the dos and don'ts of asking people who are 'expert by experience' to share their stories

Video interview on security practices

A short video produced by ICOCA on the need for all TV productions to factor in the human rights risks of their security practices

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